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Arcade Avenue
Arcade Avenue
Arcade Avenue


1132.00Miles Away

Opening Hours

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Thursday 08:00 am to 05:00 pm

Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Melvin Bennet Owner

Butch became pastor of FBC Albany in July of 2005. His pastoral call involves providing spiritual leadership for our church. He believes that many folks in our community, city, and world need to experience new beginnings in life through Jesus Christ. Through biblical teaching and a faithful example, Butch aims to lead us to let others know that Jesus Christ makes the difference in life.

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Read what people are talking about

09/05/2024, 7:20 am

Arcade Avenue is fun, and vibrant spot for all ages of persons.The lively atmosphere and variety of games make it a go-to- destination for a good time!!
The birth of a child is a special event and for Mallory and Nick their son also made hist... More


The scripture God made them male and female is being ignored by a culture that encourages... More


Heading into the Labor Day weekend when many people will be outside health officials in s... More


Just weeks before turning 102 Mary Shy told CBN News she never dreamed she would still be... More


About two million Americans receive a cancer diagnosis each year When that happens it can... More


For many people going to the hospital can make for an uneasy experience First patients an... More


In this age of screen time and constant digital connection a new study is pointing to a b... More


The Bible says our bodies are the temple of The Holy Spirit Unfortunately far too many Ch... More


The Bible says our bodies are the temple of The Holy Spirit Unfortunately far too many Ch... More


Summertime is the perfect opportunity to increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetab... More


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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have a...

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